Mr. Raj Singh
Founder & Chairman Doon House (DIIT and Doon Kids)
Founder & National President- UBHRCC (United Bureau of Human Right and Crime Control)
Mr. Raj Singh has been involved in the field of education since his college days. He has maintained relentless focus in skillfully educating children in very diverse areas. He later founded Doon Kids for preschool & Primary school Since then, through his consistent vision, enterprise, and sterling leadership, he grew Doon Kids to a multiple chain of preschools, maintaining the highest standards for the program. Through all this growth, Mr. Singh has been like a best friend to all of his teachers, directors, and students. Mr. Singh is an active social worker through his Ngo (Samarpit) & Trust (UBHRCC).
Message by Mr. Singh :- Whenever I am asked to define education, the following quote always comes to my mind by “Swami Vivekananda”,” Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man”. Education is the fountainhead of growth, progress and development in any part of the world. Its contribution has been responsible for upliftment of the society, in shaping the moral fiber of the student community and contributing to the nation’s well–being by producing the bright minds of tomorrow.